Thailand’s customs for weddings

Ceremony customs in Thailand

A Thai couple typically consults an astrologer or monk before getting married, who may look at the couple’s birth dates to choose the happy day for their major event. The moon pattern is frequently taken into consideration when choosing the meeting because it can play a significant role in Thailand.

A happy couple commonly begins preparing for their ceremony by giving money to family members and friends who will conduct the ceremonies after deciding on the deadline. From the youngest member of the family to top cousins, the amount of money given is typically determined by their level.

Next comes the entertaining part, where the couple’s friends and family participate in a match of “pratu, ngen, pru thong.” The walls may be set up for the bridegroom to pass through on his way to meet his bride during this essentially modest parade. They will then quiz him or issue him with a problem that must be met before the doorway may be opened. This is a humorous way to demonstrate to the man how much his family values him and wants to see that he raises his prospect partner.

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The couple must go through a couple festivities that are intended to show their devotion and respect for seniors before they can really get married. A senior family member or a well-respected guest will serve as Por Sua during one of the major rituals and officially request the bride’s hand in marriage. The groom’s family will then discuss the amount of dowry ( Sin Sodt ) that needs to be paid with the parents of the bride. It is also usual for the groom’s home to donate generously to a neighborhood wat during this time in honor of his potential in-laws.

Following this, a older family member from the princess’s or grooms ‘ families may dress both of the pair in the ceremonial headdress known as Mong Kol. Buddhist priests prayed on pale cloth thai girls before the wedding festival, which is used to make this. The two heads are subsequently wrapped in a unique light thread to show that while their fate are presently intertwined, they nevertheless have separate names.

During the final meeting, the pair kneels or sits on a desk in front of an elder while holding their hands up. Friends are then instructed to sprinkle holy water over their joined hands. The partners is also wished a long and prosperous relationship with the ocean. The pair will subsequently subscribe their visitors for the wedding reception, which involves socializing and sharing food and drinks around a big stand, after the festival is across. In addition to receiving a ceremony memento, attendees likely likewise create their desires for the handful in guest books during the welcome.

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